Uesc -Universidade Estadual de Santa Cruz



Here you will find the relevant publications of our program and its associated researches.

  • Papers
  • Internal Evaluation Workshop

The publication list below is organized per year and it is presented following an alphabetical order. Authors in boldface are researchers from our program, while those written in italic are previous students of our program. We present, when available, the "doi" link for the papers. We do not include in the list below the papers published in large collaboration schemes (like those papers from CERN).


- Plana, H.; Rampazzo, R.; Mazzei, P.; Marino, A.; Amram, Ph.; Ribeiro, A. L. B. ,The NGC 454 system: anatomy of a mixed on-going merger, Monthly Notices of the Royal Astronomical Society (accepted for publication) ,2017arXiv170802927P. 

Vasconcelos, M.J., Bouvier, J. Investigating the rotational evolution of very low-mass stars and brown dwarfs in young clusters using Monte Carlo simulations, Astronomy and Astrophysics, v. 600, p. 116.


- Andrade, A.; RIbeiro, A.; Lopes, P.  Probing cosmology in the outskirts of galaxy clusters. Journal of Computational Interdisciplinary Sciences, v. 7, p. 21-24, 2016

- Balabekyan, A.R.; Karapetyan, G.S. ; Demekhina, N.A.; Drnoyan, D.R.; Zhemenik, V.I.; Adam, J.; Zavorka, L.; Solnyshkin, A.A.; Tsoupko-Sitnikov, V.M.; Guimarães, V.; Deppman, A.  Isomer production in intermediate-energy deuteron-induced reactions on a gold target. Physical Review C, v. 93, p. 054614, 2016

- Bernard, A.; Neichel, B.; Samal, M.R.; Zavagno, A.; Andersen, M.; Evans, C.J.; Plana, H.; Fusco, T.  Deep GeMS/GSAOI near-infrared observations of N159W in the Large Magellanic Cloud. Astronomy & Astrophysics (Berlin. Print), v. 592, p. A77, 2016.

- Calzetta, E.; Kandus, A. A hydrodynamic approach to the study of anisotropic instabilities in dissipative relativistic plasmas. International Journal of Modern Physics A, v. 31, p. 1650194, 2016.

- Costa, M.O.; Fausto, A.F.; Velasco, F.G.; Furquim, T.A.; Mol, A.W.; Luzardo, F.M.  QUALIMAMA: an assessment tool for mammography services quality. Scientia Plena, v. 12, p. 079901-1-079901-15, 2016.

- Da Paz, I. G.; Soldati, R.; Cabral, L.A.; De Oliveira, J. G. G.; Sampaio, M. Poisson's spot and Gouy phase. Physical Review A, v. 94, p. 063609, 2016.

- Dantas, C.C.; Ribeiro, A. L. B.  Stochastic quintessence models: Jerk and fine-structure variability constraints. Physical Review D, v. 93, p. 043509, 2016.

- De Colle, F.; Cerqueira, A.H.; Riera, A. Transverse velocity shifts in protostellar jets: rotation or velocity asymmetries?, The Astrophysical Journal, v. 832, n. 2, p. 152, 2016

- De Souza, G.; De Oliveira, J.G.G.; Varizi, A.D.; Nogueira, E.C.; Sampaio, M.D.  Open-quantum-systems approach to complementarity in neutral-kaon interferometry. Physical Review A, v. 94, p. 062108, 2016.

- Deppman, A. Thermodynamics with fractal structure, Tsallis statistics, and hadrons. Physical Review D, v. 93, p. 054001, 2016.

- Dias, B.; Kerber, L.O.; Barbuy, B.; Bica, E.; Ortolani, S. . SMC west halo: a slice of the galaxy that is being tidally stripped?. Astronomy & Astrophysics (Berlin. Print), v. 591, p. A11, 2016.

- Karapetyan, G.S.; Deppman, A.; Guimarães, V.; Balabekyan, A.; Demekhina, N.A. Interaction of with and targets at intermediate energies. Physical Review C, v. 94, p. 024618, 2016

- Lopes, P.A.A.; Rembold, S.B.; Ribeiro, A.L.B. ; Nascimento, R. S.; Vajgel, B. . NoSOCS in SDSS - V. Red disc and blue bulge galaxies across different environments. Royal Astronomical Society. Monthly Notices, v. 461, p. 2559-2579, 2016

- Marques, M.L.; Luzardo, F.M.; Velasco, F.G.; González, L.N.; Silva, E.J.; Lima, W.G.  Compatibility of vegetable fibers with Portland cement and its relationship with the physical properties. Revista Brasileira de Engenharia Agrícola e Ambiental (Online), v. 20, p. 466-472, 2016.

Nascimento, R.S. ; Ribeiro, A.L.B.; Lopes, P.A.A.  Segregation effects in DEEP2 galaxy groups. Monthly Notices of the Royal Astronomical Society (Print), v. 464, p. 183-193, 2016.

- Nascimento, R. S.Ribeiro, A.L.B.; Trevisan, M.; Carrasco, E.R.; Plana, H.; Dupke, R. . Dynamical analysis of the cluster pair: A3407 + A3408. Royal Astronomical Society. Monthly Notices, v. 460, p. 2193-2206, 2016

- Russo, G; Attili, A; Battistoni, G; Bertrand, D; Bourhaleb, F; Cappucci, F; Ciocca, M; Mairani, A; Milian, F M et al. . A novel algorithm for the calculation of physical and biological irradiation quantities in scanned ion beam therapy: the beamlet superposition approach. Physics in Medicine and Biology (Print), v. 61, p. 183-214, 2016.

Sales, J. H.; Candida, T. Efeito da temperatura sobre a amêndoa do cacau: secador vertical. Revista GEINTEC: gestao, inovacao e tecnologias, v. 6, p. 3437-3446, 2016.

- Santos, A.S.; Andrade, S.F.R.; Velasco, F.G.; Luzardo, F.H.M. Coefficient of permeability for fluid in saturated means (K ): estimate by flow columns and variable matrix potential. Ambiência (UNICENTRO), v. 12, p. 599-613, 2016.

- Santos, A.S.; Velasco, F.G.; Luzardo, F.H.M.   Evaluation of exposure to benzene in silica sand field: calculation of toxicological risk. Ambiência (UNICENTRO), v. 12, p. 165-185, 2016.

- Silva, E. J. ; Velasco, F.G. ; Fornari Jr., C. ; Luzardo, F. M. ; Marques, M.L. ; Machado, G. . Degradabilidade da fibra de coco revestida com poliestireno em meio alcalino. Agro@mbiente On-line, v. 9, p. 431, 2016

- Torres-Vega, G.; Godina-Nava, J.J.; Lopez-Bonilla, J. ; Lopez-Sandoval, E.Samana, A.RUse of Lanczos Method in Radical Pair Dynamics. Open Journal of Applied & Theoretical Mathematics (OJATM)

Velasco, F. G. ; Guzmán, F. ; Rodriguez, O. ; Tumbarell, O. ; SOUZA, D. A. ; Samana, A. R. ; Andrade-II, E. ; Bernal Castillo, J. L. ; Deppman, A. . Deexcitation Modes in Spallation Nuclear Reactions. Brazilian Journal of Physics (Impresso), v. 46, p. 415, 2016.

- Vignatti, A. ; Hosseini, M.A. ; Attili, A. ; Donetti, M. ; Giordanengo, S. ; Guarachi, L.F. ; Marchetto, F. ; Milian, F.M. ; Mirandola, A. ; Molinelli, S. ; Monaco, V. ; Russo, G. ; Sacchi, R. ; Anvar, M.V.; Cirio, R. . Study of the dose delivery system inaccuracies and their impact on the dose distribution during the first years of the CNAO clinical activity. Physica Medica (Testo Stampato), v. 32, p. 68-69, 2016.


- Bica, E. ; Santiago, Basílio X. ; Bonatto, C. ; Garcia-Dias, R. ; Kerber, L. ; Dias, B. M. S. ; Barbuy, B. ; Balbinot, E.  Bridge over troubled gas: clusters and associations under the SMC and LMC tidal stresses. Monthly Notices of the Royal Astronomical Society (Print), v. 453, p. 3190-3202, 2015.

- Calzetta, E. ; Kandus, A . Non-conformal evolution of magnetic fields during reheating. Journal of Cosmology and Astroparticle Physics, v. 2015, p. 045-045, 2015.

- Cerqueira, A.H.Vasconcelos, M.J., Raga, A.C., Feitosa, J.Plana, HGemini-IFU spectroscopy of HH 111, 2015, The Astronomical Journal, V. 149, p. 98

- Cerqueira, A.H., Reyes-Iturbide, J., De Colle, F., Vasconcelos, M.JPrincipal component analysis of computed emission lines from protostellar jets, 2015, The Astronomical Journal, V. 150, p. 45

Deppman, A. ; Karapetyan, G. S. ; Guimarães, V. ; Gonzales, C. ; Balabekyan, A. R. ; Demekhina, N. A. . Bremsstrahlung-induced fission and spallation of the pre-actinide nucleus 181 Ta Physical Review. C. Nuclear Physics (Print), v. 91, p. 024620, 2015.

Deppman, A. ; Megías, E. ; Menezes, D. P . Nonextensive thermodynamics with finite chemical potential, hadronic matter and protoneutron stars. Journal of Physics. Conference Series (Online), v. 607, p. 012007, 2015.

- Ferreira, C.J.S. ; Marinho, L.S. ; Brasil, T.B. ; Cabral, L.A. ; De Oliveira Jr, J.G.G. ; SAMPAIO, M.D.R. ; DA PAZ, I.G. . Gouy phase and visibility in the double-slit experiment. Annals of Physics (Print), v. 362, p. 473-481, 2015.

- Lima, G. P. ; Sales, J.H. . Sistema alternativo para secagem de cacau e geração de energia.. Revista GEINTEC: gestao, inovacao e tecnologias, v. 5, p. 1703-1715, 2015.

- Lopez-Sandoval, E. ; Mello, A. ; Nava, J. J. G. ; Samana, A R . Power Series Solution for Solving Nonlinear Burgers-Type Equations. Abstract and Applied Analysis, v. 2015, p. 1-9, 2015.

- Luzardo, F. H. M. ; F. Garcia Velasco ; Alves, C. P. ; Silva Correia, I.K. ; Lazaro L. Cazorla . Chemical characterization of agroforestry solid residues aiming its utilization as adsorbents for metals in water. Revista Brasileira de Engenharia Agrícola e Ambiental (Online), v. 19, p. 77-83, 2015.

- Marques, L. ; Cleymans, J. ; Deppman, A. . Description of high-energy p p collisions using Tsallis thermodynamics: Transverse momentum and rapidity distributions. Physical Review. D, Particles, Fields, Gravitation, and Cosmology, v. 91, p. 054025, 2015.

- Megías, E. ; Menezes, D. P. ; Deppman, A. . Non extensive thermodynamics for hadronic matter with finite chemical potentials. Physica. A (Print), v. 421, p. 15-24, 2015.

Miranda, A.S. ; Morgan, J.; Kandus, A.; Zanchin, V. T . Separable wave equations for gravitoelectromagnetic perturbations of rotating charged black strings. Classical and Quantum Gravity (Print), v. 32, p. 235002, 2015.

- Neichel, B., Samal, M.R., Plana, H., Zavagno, A., Bernard, A., Fusco, T. Deep near-infrared adaptive-optics observations of a young embedded cluster at the edge of the RCW 41 H II region. Astronomy & Astrophysics (Berlin. Print), v. 576, p. A110, 2015.

- Piatti, A. E. ; de Grijs, R. ; Rubele, S. ; Cioni, M.-R. L. ; Riperi, V. ; Kerber, L. . The VMC survey - XV. The Small Magellanic Cloud-Bridge connection history as traced by their star cluster populations. Monthly Notices of the Royal Astronomical Society (Print), v. 450, p. 552-563, 2015.

- Rubele, S. ; Girardi, L. ; Kerber, L. et al. . The VMC survey - XIV. First results on the look-back time star formation rate tomography of the Small Magellanic Cloud. Monthly Notices of the Royal Astronomical Society (Print), v. 449, p. 639-661, 2015.

Sales, J.H. ; Suzuki, A. T. ; Santos, G. S. ; Lima, C. A. . Cross-Ladder Diagrams Via Hierarchical Equations in the Light Front. Few-Body Systems (Online), p. 1-6, 2015.

Sales, J.H. ; Suzuki, A.T. ; Santos, G. S. . Why the Light Front Time x + is the Best Time Variable. Few-Body Systems,p. 1-6, 2015.

- Sales, J. H. ; Suzuki, A. T. ; Soriano, L. A. . Partículas e antipartículas no cone de luz. Revista Brasileira de Ensino de Física (Online), v. 37, p. 3309-1-3309-6, 2015.

- Silva, E.J. Da ; Marques, M.L. ; Velasco, F. G. ; Fornari Jr., C. M. ; Luzardo, F. H. M. . Degradação da fibra de coco imersa em soluções alcalinas de cimento e NaOH. Revista Brasileira de Engenharia Agrícola e Ambiental (Online), v. 19, p. 981-988, 2015.

Vasconcelos, M. J. ; Bouvier, J. . Investigating the rotational evolution of young, low-mass stars using Monte Carlo simulations. Astronomy & Astrophysics (Berlin. Print), v. 578, p. A89-10, 2015.


- Andrade, S.F.R. ; Velasco, F.G. ; Luzardo, F.H. Revisão integrativa sobre aplicação das metodologias de avaliação de riscos à saúde e ao ambiente. Revista Ibero-Americana de Ciências Ambientais, v. 5, p. 95, 2014.

- Andrade-II, E.; Karapetyan, G.S.; Deppman, A.; Balabekyan, A.R.; Demekhina, N.A.; Guimarães, V.  Photon and proton induced fission on heavy nuclei at intermediate energies. EPJ Web of Conferences, v. 69, p. 00017, 2014.

- Attili, A.; Bourhaleb, F.; Svanetti, A.; Casale, M.; Bottigliengo, D.; Mas Millian, F.; Russo, G.; Krann, A.; Marchetto, F. ; Cirio, R. . 12: Impact of uncertainties in ion beam therapy on the optimality of irradiation condition and fractionation schedule. Radiotherapy and Oncology, v. 110, p. S5-S6, 2014.

- Balabekyan, A.R.; Demekhina, N.A.; Karapetyan, G.S.; Karayan, L.; Drnoyan, J.R.; Zhemenik, V.I.; Adam, J.; Zavorka, L.; Solnshikin, A.A.; Tsoupko-Sitnikov, V.M.; Khushvaktov, J.; Guimarães, V.; Deppman, A. . Recoil properties of fragments formed in 4.4 GeV deuteron-induced reactions on a gold target. Physical Review. C. Nuclear Physics (Print), v. 89, p. 054604, 2014.

- Bourhaleb, F.; Dalmasso, F.; Attili, A. ; Milian, F.M. ; Russo, G. . 26: PlanIt: Planning Ion therapy open platform for treatment plans testing and comparing. Radiotherapy and Oncology, v. 110, p. S13-S14, 2014.

- Calzetta, Esteban ; Kandus, A. . Primordial magnetic helicity from stochastic electric currents. Physical Review. D, Particles, Fields, Gravitation, and Cosmology, v. 89, p. 083012, 2014.

- Cometto, A ; Russo, G ; Bourhaleb, F ; Milian, F M ; Giordanengo, S; Marchetto, F; Cirio, R ; Attili, A . Direct evaluation of radiobiological parameters from clinical data in the case of ion beam therapy: an alternative approach to the relative biological effectiveness. Physics in Medicine and Biology (Print), v. 59, p. 7393-7417, 2014.

- Correnti, M.; Goudfrooij, P.; Kalirai, J.S. ; Girardi, L. ; Puzia, T.H. ; Kerber, L. . New clues to the cause of extended main-sequence turnoffs in intermediate-age star clusters in the Magellanic clouds. Astrophysical Journal (Online), v. 793, p. 121, 2014.

- De Paula, A.L.; De Oliveira, J.G.G. ; De Faria, J.G.P. ; Freitas, D.S. ; Nemes, M. C. . Entanglement dynamics of many-body systems: Analytical results. Physical Review. A, Atomic, Molecular, and Optical Physics (Online), v. 89, p. 022303-1-022303-6, 2014.

Deppman, AProperties of hadronic systems according to the nonextensive self-consistent thermodynamics. Journal of Physics. G, Nuclear and Particle Physics, v. 41, p. 055108, 2014.

Ferreira, R.C. Dimarco, A. J. ; Samana, A. R. ; Barbero, C.A.. Weak decay processes in pre-supernova core evolution within the Gross Theory Astrophysical Journal (Online), v. 784, p. 24, 2014.

- Fonseca-Romero, K.M.; De Oliveira, J.G.G.; Peixoto De Faria, J. G. ; Nemes, M. C. . Interference and which-state information for nonorthogonal states. Physical Review. A, Atomic, Molecular, and Optical Physics (Online), v. 90, p. 062102, 2014.

- Garcia Velasco, M.; Velasco, F.G.; Luzardo, F.H.M.. Novos Indicadores para a avaliação de impactos ambientais da inovação tecnológica em agroindústrias de reaproveitamento de resíduos. Aplicação na agroindústria de coco.. Revista Brasileira de Ciências Ambientais, v. 33, p. 32, 2014.

- González, I.; Guzmán, F.; Deppman, A. . Nuclear photoproduction of vector mesons within a Monte Carlo approach.Physical Review. C. Nuclear Physics (Print), v. 89, p. 054613, 2014.

- Goudfrooij, P. ; Girardi, L. ; Kozhurina-Platais, V. ; Kalirai, J. S. ; Platais, I. ; Puzia, T. H. ; Correnti, M. ; Bressan, A. ; Chandar, R. ; Kerber, L. ; Marigo, P. ; Rubele, S. . Extended main sequence turnoffs in intermediate-age star clusters: a correlation between turnoff width and early escape velocity. Astrophysical Journal (Online), v. 797, p. 35, 2014.

- Guennou, L. Adami, C. Durret, F. Lima Neto, G. Ulmer, M.P. Clowe, D. LeBrun, V. Martinet, N. Allam, S. Annis, J. Basa, S. Benoist, C. Biviano, A. Cappi, A. Cypriano, E. S.Gavazzi, R. Halliday, C. Ilbert, O. Jullo, E. Just, D. Limousin, M. Márquez, I. Mazure, A. Murphy, K. J. Plana, H. , et al.Structure and substructure analysis of DAFT/FADA galaxy clusters in the [0.4-0.9] redshift range. Astronomy & Astrophysics (Berlin. Print), v. 561, p. A112-A172, 2014.

- Guennou, L. Biviano, A. Adami, C. Limousin, M. Lima Neto, G. MAMON, G. Ulmer, M.P. Gavazzi, R. Cypriano, E. S. Durret, F. Clowe, D. LeBrun, V. Allam, S. Basa, S. Benoist, C. Cappi, A. Halliday, C. Ilbert, O. Johnston, D Jullo, E. Just, D. Kubo J.M. Márquez, I. Marshall P. Martinet, N. , Maurogordato, S. Mazure, A. Murphy, K. J. Plana, H. et al. ; Mass profile and dynamical status of the ~ 0.8 galaxy cluster LCDCS 0504. Astronomy & Astrophysics (Berlin. Print), v. 566, p. A149, 2014.

- Mamani, L.A.H.; Miranda, A. S. ; Boschi-Filho, Henrique ; Braga, Nelson R.F. . Vector meson quasinormal modes in a finite-temperature AdS/QCD model. Journal of High Energy Physics, v. 2014, p. 58, 2014.

- Marques, M.L. ; Silva, E.J. ; Velasco, F.G. ; Fornari Jr, C.C.M. . Potencialidades do uso de resíduos de celulose (DREGS/GRITS) como agregado em argamassas. Revista Brasileira de Produtos Agroindustriais, v. 16, p. 423-431, 2014.

- Megías, E.; Menezes, D.P.; Deppman, A.  Nonextensive thermodynamics with finite chemical potentials and protoneutron starss,. EPJ Web of Conferences, v. 80, p. 00040, 2014.

- Rocha, G.S.; Velasco, F.G. ; Rego, C.A.; Luzardo, F.H.M. ; José Wildes, S.B. . Variação espaço-temporal do índice de qualidade de água e índice de estado trófico do reservatório público de Ceraíma, Guanambi, Bahia. Revista Ibero-Americana de Ciências Ambientais, v. 5, p. 212, 2014.

Sales, J. H.O.; Lima, G.P.A. . Appliance CAD and FMEA for the implementation of photovoltaic . Revista GEINTEC: gestao, inovacao e tecnologias, v. 4, p. 1308-1317, 2014.

Sales, J.H.O.; Pereira, D.S. . System for reduce consumption stand-by - ECOENERGY. Revista GEINTEC: gestao, inovacao e tecnologias, v. 4, p. 1434-1441, 2014.

Sales, J.H.O.; Santos, E.C. . Use of software CAD and CAE in product development for sustainable water heating.  Revista GEINTEC: gestao, inovacao e tecnologias, v. 3, p. 168-179, 2014.

- Sales, J.H.O.; Suzuki, A.T. . The old quantization of angular momentum from Planck's perspective. La Pensée (Paris), v. 76, p. 310-320, 2014.

- Santos, E.C. ; Sales, J.H.O.; Lima, C. A. . COMSOL Multiphysics® Model of a Solar Dryer. COMSOL Multiphysics®, v. 1, p. 1-5, 2014.

- Santos, E.C. ; Sales, J.H.O. . Vertical solar dryer for almond cooca. Revista GEINTEC: gestao, inovacao e tecnologias, v. 4, p. 1594-1605, 2014.

- Sampaio, F. ; Ribeiro, A. L. B. . Velocity distributions in galaxy clusters - How to combine different normality tests. New Astronomy (Gedrukt), v. 27, p. 41-55, 2014.

- Silva, E.J. ; Silva, P.D. ; Marques, M.L. ; Fornari Jr., C.C.M. ; Garcia, F. C. ; Luzardo, F. H.M. . Resistência à compressão de argamassas em função da adição de fibra de coco. Revista Brasileira de Engenharia Agrícola e Ambiental (Online), v. 18, p. 1268-1273, 2014.

- Soares, C. S. ; Manso Guevara, M. V.; Nieto, L. ; Millian, F. M. ; Garcia, F. . Colimador alternativo para um detector de CdTe (modelo XR-100T), usado em medidas diretas de espectros de radiodiagnostico. Scientia Plena, v. 10, p. 014801-1-014801-7, 2014.

- Suzuki, A.T. ; Sales, J.H.; Santos, G.S. . Zero Mode E ffects for the Electromagnetic Currents in the Light Front: Fermion Case. Few-Body Systems, v. 1, p. 1, 2014.

- Torres-Flores F. ; Amram P. ;Mendes de Oliveira, C. ; Plana, H. ; Balkowski, C. ; Marcelin, M. ; Olave-Rojas, D. . The H kinematics of interacting galaxies in 12 compact groups. Monthly Notices of the Royal Astronomical Society (Print), v. 442, p. 2188-2201, 2014.

- Torres-Flores F. ; Scarano, S. ; Mendes de Oliveira, C. ; De Mello, D. F. ; Amram P. ; Plana, H. . Star-forming regions and the metallicity gradients in the tidal tails: the case of NGC 92. Monthly Notices of the Royal Astronomical Society (Print), v. 438, p. 1894-1908, 2014.

Velasco, F.G.; Luzardo, F.H.M.; Guzmán, F.; Rodriguez, O.; Coto Hernandez, I.; Barroso, S.; Diaz Rizo, O. . Gamma radiation effects on molecular characteristic of vegetable tannins. Journal of Radioanalytical and Nuclear Chemistry (Print), v. 299, p. 1787-1792, 2014.

- Vieira, A. R. ; De Oliveira, J.G. ; Peixoto de Faria, J.G. ; Nemes, M.C. Geometry in the Entanglement Dynamics of the Double Jaynes-Cummings Model. Brazilian Journal of Physics, v. 44, p. 19-29, 2014.


- Arruda-Neto, J.D.T. ; Segreto, J. D. ; Silva, J. C. ; Gomez, J. C. ; Mendoça, T. T. ; Jorge, S. A. ; Nieto, L. ; F., Garcia ; Righi, Henriette . Using Accelerator Electron Beams to Induce Massive cell killing in the Extremophilic Deinococcus Radiodurans. WebmedCentral plus, v. 39, p. 00263-00263_10, 2013.

Deppman, A.; Andrade-II, E. ; Guimarães, V. ; Karapetyan, G.S. ; Balabekyan, A.R.; Demekhina, N. A. . Proton-induced fission on {241}Am, {238}U, and {237}Np at intermediate energies. Physical Review. C. Nuclear Physics (Print), v. 88, p. 024608, 2013.

Deppman, A.; Andrade-II, E. ; Guimarães, V. ; Karapetyan, G.S. ; Balabekyan, A.R.; Demekhina, N. A. Photofission of {232}Th and {238}U at intermediate energies. Physical Review. C. Nuclear Physics (Print), v. 87, p. 054604, 2013.

Deppman, A.; Andrade-II, E. ; Guimarães, V. ; Karapetyan, G.S., Tavares, O. ; Balabekyan, A.R.; Demekhina, N. A. ; Adam, J. ; Garcia, F. ; Katovsky, K. . Superasymmetric fission of heavy nuclei induced by intermediate-energy protons. Physical Review. C. Nuclear Physics (Print), v. 88, p. 064609, 2013.

-  Dias, B. ; Kerber, L.O. ; Barbuy B. ; Santiago, B. X. ; Ortolani, S. ; Balbinot, E. . Self-consistent physical parameters for 5 intermediate-age SMC stellar clusters from CMD modelling. Astronomy & Astrophysics (Berlin. Print), p. A106, 2013.

- Girardi, L. ; Goudfrooji, P. ; Kalirai, J. S. ; Kozhurina-Platais, V. ; Kerber, L. O. ; Rubele, S. ; Bressan, A. ; Chandar, R. ; Marigo, P. ; Platais, I. ; Puzia, T. H. . An extended main-sequence turn-off in the Small Magellanic Cloud star cluster NGC 411. Royal Astronomical Society. Monthly Notices, v. 431, p. 3501-3509, 2013.

Krause, M.O.Ribeiro, A. L. B. ; Lopes, P. A. A. . Distribution and evolution of galaxy groups in the Ursa Major Supercluster. Astronomy & Astrophysics (Berlin. Print), v. 551, p. A143, 2013.

- Lopes, P. A. A. ; Ribeiro, A. L. B. ; Rembold, S.B.. NoSOCS in SDSS - IV. The role of environment beyond the extent of galaxy clusters. Royal Astronomical Society. Monthly Notices, v. 437, p. 2430-2447, 2013.

- Lora, V. ; Vasconcelos, M.J.; Raga, A.C.; Esquivel, A.; Cerqueira, A. H. . The photoevaporation of a neutral structure by an EUV+FUV radiation field. Revista Mexicana de Astronomía y Astrofísica, v. 49, p. 275-284, 2013.

- Marino, A. ; Plana, H. ; Rampazzo R. ; Bianchi, L. ; M, Rosado ; Bettoni, D. ; Galleta, G. . Galaxy evolution in nearby loose groups: II Photometric and kinematic characterization of USGC U268 and USGC U376 group members in the Leo cloud. Monthly Notices of the Royal Astronomical Society (Print), v. 428, p. 476-501, 2013.

- Marques, L. ; Andrade-II, E. ; Deppman, A. . Nonextensivity of hadronic systems. Physical Review. D, Particles, Fields, Gravitation, and Cosmology, v. 87, p. 114022, 2013.

- Mendes de Oliveira, C.; Taylor, K.; Quint, B. ; Andrade, D. ; Ferrari, F.; Laporte, R.; De A. Ramos, G. ; Dani Guzman, C. ; Cavalcanti, L.; De Calasans, A. ; Ramirez Fernandez, J. ; Carolina Gutierrez Castañeda, E. ; Jones, D.; Luis Fontes, F. ; Maria Molina, A. ; Fialho, F.; Plana, H. et al. ;  The Brazilian Tunable Filter Imager for the SOAR Telescope. Publications of the Astronomical Society of the Pacific, v. 125, p. 396-408, 2013.

- Morgan, J.; Miranda, A.S. ; Zanchin, Vilson T. . Electromagnetic quasinormal modes of rotating black strings and the AdS/CFT correspondence. The Journal of High Energy Physics (Online), v. 2013, p. 169, 2013.

Ribeiro, A. L. B.; De Carvalho, R. R. ; Trevisan, M. ; Capelato, H. V. ; La Barbera, F. ; Lopes, P. A. A. ; Schilling, A. C. . SPIDER - IX. Classifying galaxy groups according to their velocity distribution. Monthly Notices of the Royal Astronomical Society (Print), v. 434, p. 784-795, 2013.

Ribeiro, A.L.B.; Lopes, P.A.; Rembold, S.. NoSOCS in SDSS. III. The interplay between galaxy evolution and the dynamical state of galaxy clusters. Astronomy & Astrophysics (Berlin. Print), v. 556, p. A74-A83, 2013.

- Rubele, S.; Girardi, L. ; Kozhurina-Platais V. ; Kerber, L. ; Goudfrooij, P. ; Bressan, A. ; Marigo, P. . The star formation history of the Large Magellanic Cloud star clusters NGC 1846 and NGC 1783. Royal Astronomical Society. Monthly Notices, p. 2774-2788, 2013.

Sena, I. Deppman, A. . Systematic analysis of pT -distributions in p + p collisions. European Physical Journal. A, Hadrons and Nuclei (Print), v. 49, p. 17, 2013.

- Torres-Flores, S. ; Mendes de Oliveira, C.; Plana, H. ; Amram, P. ; Epinat, B. . The Tully-Fisher relations for Hickson compact group galaxies. Monthly Notices of the Royal Astronomical Society (Print), v. 432, p. 3085-3096, 2013.

Internal Workshop Evaluation Report (in Portuguese only): Held at UESC on March 2016, this workshop report gather all the discussions made between researchers and graduate students. The report is available and our goal is to discuss what we can do in order to improve the program in a 2 year baseline.