Uesc -Universidade Estadual de Santa Cruz

Physics graduate program at UESC


  • Astrophysics
  • Theoretical and Applied Nuclear Physics
  • FTQO
  • Graduate Committee
  • Post-docs

Young stellar objects, stellar clusters, galaxy structure and evolution, compact group of galaxies, the cosmic microwave background, cosmology and theoretical astrophysics are among the fields that are investigated by our researchers. We use both the available observational facilities, like the Brazilian Observatório do Pico dos Dias and the telescopes abroad (mainly, SOAR and Gemini), as well as the computational approach in order to carry out these studies. Our staff is composed by these members:

Adriano Hoth Cerqueira - Interestellar medium - Stellar formation

My research is mainly focused on Herbig-Haro jets and associated phenomena (shocks and instabilities), using both observational and numerical approaches. I am a full professor here at UESC, where we have two dedicated groups.

André Luis Batista Ribeiro - Extragalactic Astronomy
  • e-mail: albr@uesc.br
  • CV: Lattes
  • Professor at Exact and Technological Sciences Department (UESC)
  • Member of Astrophysical Group at  UESC
Eduadro Brescansin de Amôres - Stellar Astrophysics


Henri Michel Pierre Plana - Extragalactic Astronomy
  • e-mail:plana@uesc.br
  • CV: Lattes
  • Professor at  Exact and Technological Sciences Department (UESC)
  • Member of Astrophysical Group at  UESC
Leandro de Oliveira Kerber - Stellar Astrophysics

He is interested in  stellar clusters and stellar population in the Milky Way and nearby galaxies, like the Small (SMC) and Large Magellanic (LMC) Clouds. In order to determine some physical properties of these systems he use estatistical thecniques to analyse color-magnitude diagrams  (observational HR diagrams). He has experience  with optical and near-infrared photometry, using the Hubble Space TelescopeVISTA and SOAR. He is a professor at Exact and Technological Sciences Department (UESC) and a member of the UESC Astrophysical group.   Elmer Fidel Luque Canaza and Cleiton Carillo de Souza have been his  MSc students at UESC. Nowadays he is at  IAG/USP for a post-doctoral stage (with a CNPq fellowship).

Maria Jaqueline Vasconcelos - Interestellar medium - Stellar formation

She works with stellar formation and has interests in stellar rotation and young stellar objects in HII regions, as well as accretion disks and astrophysical jets. She uses Monte Carlo and hydrodynamical simulations in order to address such problems. She is also interested in integral field unit spectroscopy. She is a professor at Exact and Technological Sciences Department (UESC) and a member of the Astrophysical group.

Orlando J. K. Santrich - Stellar Astrophysics
Rogério Monteiro de Oliveira - Extragalactic Astrophysics


The main focus of the Nuclear Physics group is the study of high to intermediary energy nuclear reactions, notably the spallation process. We use Monte Carlo simulations to investigate the nuclear reaction, the fast stage of the intranuclear cascade, and in the second stage of the fission-evaporation process. In the Applied context of the Nuclear Physics, we are interested in: Monte Carlo modeling of the radiation transport applied to medical (numerical) dosimetry, deterministic methods in neutron transport and analytic nuclear methods to study problems like environmental contamination or problems of health interest. This part of our research aims to develop applied methods and technological products that can perhaps have some industrial application. Our team are composed by the following researches:

Airton Deppman (Invited Research) - Nuclear Physics

Work with nuclear reactions in high and intermediate energy ranges. Develops the CRISP model (acronym for Collaboration Ilhéus-Rio-São Paulo) for nuclear reactions induced by photons, electrons, protons or neutrons. He is a team member in the   ALICE experiment, at Large Hadron Collider (LHC-CERN). He is involved in the development of the  Non-extensive Self-consistent thermodynamic theory. He coordinates the  GRENAC group at Physics Institute at University of São Paulo (USP), and also a CPNq (1D) researcher.

Arturo Rodolfo Samana - Nuclear Physics
Claudio de Conti - Nuclear Physics
Felix Mas Milian - Área de Titulação: Física Nuclear
Fermin de La Caridad Garcia Velasco - Nuclear Physics


Field Theory and Quantum Optics

We are interested in several aspects of theoretical physics, like quantum theory of curved spaces, hadron physics in the light-front, cosmological magnetic fields, turbulent dynamos, quantum and classical aspects of black holes, gauge theory and gravitation, entanglement dynamics in multipartite quantum systems and the field-atom interaction in superconducting microwave cavities. The researches involved in these lines are:

Alejandra Kandus - Cosmology
Alex dos Santos Miranda - Fields and Gravitation
Ana Cristina Sprotte Costa - Quantum Information


José Geraldo Gonçalves de Oliveira Júnior - Quantum optics and quantum information

I am interested in the foundations of Quantum Mechanics. For this reason I study some quantum optics and quantum information systems. We theoretically model in quantum optics experimental setups in superconductive cavities  (CQED - Cavity Quantum Electrodynamics), where some experiments that tries to test the foundations of quantum mechanics  (as for instance the wave-particle duality, non-locality, entanglement and quantum discord) are done. In the quantum information branch, we study many bodies coupled physical systems in order to describe the dynamic and the quantum correlation properties for one and several particles. Presently we are interested in the relativistic entanglement and the non-inertial effects - through the Unruh radiation - in entangled quantum systems.

Luis Alex Huahuachampi - Fields and Gravitation
Ronaldo Thibes - Field Theories

Academic and scientific interests:
quantization of gauge invariant theories, string theory, massive gravity, symmetries and dualities in field theories, BRST symmetry, quantization methods and formalisms (such as BFFT, BFV, BV, FJBW and others), algebras and groups representation theory in physics, algebraic structures in mathematical physics, constrained hamiltonian systems, Lie algebras and superalgebras in physics, supersymmetry, higher-derivative models, Gribov ambiguities.

Graduate Committee - since August 17, 2015 (see the University's President official assignement, in portuguese only, here: Portaria UESC nº 863).

  • Adriano Hoth Cerqueira - Head
  • Alex dos Santos Miranda - Vice-Head
  • André Luis Batista Ribeiro
  • José Geraldo Gonçalves de Oliveira Júnior
  • Arturo Rodolfo Samana
  • Fermim de la Caridad Garcia Velasco
  • Scheldom Cardoso da Rocha - Student member

The Physics Graduate program at UESC has one post-doctoral fellowship sponsored by the CAPES' National Post-doctoral Program (PNPD). We were pleased to receive (by now) the visit of the following researches: