Uesc -Universidade Estadual de Santa Cruz

Ciência Inovação e Modelagem em Materiais

Science, Innovation and Modeling of Materials


The graduate program stricto sensu, academic master degree in Science, Innovation and Modeling of Materials at UESC was authorized by CAPES starting its activities in March 2010.

The academic course was structured in a concentration area denominated Materials Science and Technology with two mains research fields: Materials Synthesis and Characterization; Materials Modeling and Simulation. The first field has an experimental approach, while the second one has a theoretical approach.

The master course is planned to be developed in a two (2) years average time and consists in two steps: taught modules; development and writing of research dissertation and public defense of dissertation. More detailed information about the rules entrance, documents for the selection process, taught courses, infrastructure, currents students, and academic staff are found in other parts of this website.

Objectives and Profile


Objectives/ Professional profiled to be formed:

This course has as main objective to train human resources, able to investigate new materials and new industrial uses of existing materials. It also aims to expand the knowledge and potential of applying materials with interests shared by the industry, especially the regional industry, with emphasis on construction and the Information Technology Hub in Ilhéus.

The graduate will also obtain a solid formation in the fundamental bases of Material Science, as well as the methods of research of the specific areas which will give the egressed the capacity both to continue in the academic career and to face new challenges of the scientific - multidisciplinary research groups and the labor market.

Mathematical and computational modeling is one of the most important and useful tools for any science. Part of the body of professors involved in this proposal has worked using modeling to advance the solution of problems characteristic of research in various energy sources, from biofuels to fission and nuclear fusion. Some of the techniques, mathematical-computational modeling employed in these areas of energy are also applicable (and applied) to research with materials and their applications.

The interconnection between these three themes, in addition to indicating interesting opportunities for training and research, also presents opportunities for incursion into technological innovation as a possible consequence or motivation of scientific discoveries and studies. Attention to these possibilities is one of the characteristics desired for the professional of this course.

Research Fields

Synthesis and Characterization of Materials
This research line aims to characterize and modify materials such as metals, non-metals, polymers, ceramics, and composites, among others, seeking the improvement of physical, chemical, electrical, optical and mechanical properties. The main objectives comprehend: new materials for application in nanoelectronics; efficient electrical energy conversion into light energy; conducting polymers such as, polypyrrole, polyaniline and polythiophene used to manufacture electrochromic devices, intelligent window, among other applications; characterization of tribological properties of materials; other materials according to the demand and necessities.

Materials Modeling and Simulation
The major focus in this research line is the development and application of mathematical models, numeric methods and computing techniques to solve problems related to the characterization, development and application of materials. Among the main target phenomena we have: study of polymer properties and organic molecules with application in nanotechnology, study of polymer-metal interface, and study of novel materials with application in organic electronics, computer modeling of x-ray diffraction, micro-tomography and interaction of ionizing radiation with new materials among other issues.

Administrative staff
Coordinator: Miriam Sanae Tokumoto
Vice-Coordinator: Danilo de Santana Nunes
Secretary: Caroline Gresik Amaral de Almeida
Faculty/Research Areas

Permanent Professors

Dr. Danilo de Santana Nunes
Research areas: Validation of composite materials for application in structural elements
Email: dsnunes@uesc.br

Dr. Djoille Denner Damm
Research areas: Thin Film Deposition and Surface Engineering
Email: djoille@ufrb.edu.br

Drª. Érica Cristina Almeida
Research areas: Synthesis and characterization of carbon nanostructured materials for use in energy storage devices
Email: ecalmeida@uesc.br

Dr. Franco Dani Rico Amado
Research areas: Non-Metallic Materials
Email: fdramado@uesc.br

Dr. José Renato de Castro Pessôa
Research areas: Ceramic Materials of Cement Matrix
Email: jrcpessoa@uesc.br

Dr. Luiz Carlos Salay
Research areas: Nanomaterials, Biomolecular and Biomimetic Materials, Soft Materials, Colloidal Materials and Surfaces
Email: lcsalay@uesc.br

Drª Miriam Sanae Tokumoto
Research areas: Synthesis and Characterization of Materials
Email: mstokumoto@uesc.br

Dr. Paulo Neilson Marques dos Anjos
Research areas: Conducting Polymers
Email: pauloneilson@uesc.br

Dra. Rosenira Serpa da Cruz
Research areas: Heterogeneous Catalysis
Email: roserpa@uesc.br

Dr. Ruan Carlos de Araújo Moura
Research areas: Composite materials
Email: rcamoura@uesc.br

Dra. Vera Rosa Capelossi
Research areas: Corrosion and Electrochemistry
Email: vrcapelossi@uesc.br

Collaborator Professors

Dr. Fernando Cesário Rangel
Research areas: Molecular Modeling
Email: fcrangel@uesc.br

Dra.Vanessa de Freitas Cunha Lins
Research areas: Surface Engineering and Degradation of Materials
Email: vlins@deq.ufmg.br

Visiting Professor

Dr. Marcelo Tramontin Souza
Research areas: Surface Engineering and Degradation of Materials
Email: mtsouza@uesc.br

Dr. Tatiane Benvenuti
Research areas: Materials Science and Technology 
Email: tbenvenuti@uesc.br

Selection Process
Periodicity of Selection: Biannual

Number of Vacancies: 10

Course offer:
Applications for Selection of Candidates for PROCIMM will be opened twice a year, by means of the selection notifications of the Pro-Rectorate for Research and Postgraduate Studies, and registration will be made on a schedule previously set by the Higher Council for Research and Graduate Studies of UESC. Admission to PROCIMM will take place in the lines of research established in the program, considering the availability of guiding supervisor. The number of vacancies offered in each selection process will be defined by the PROCIMM collegiate, according to the availability of orientation, which in turn will observe the limits established in the regiment referring to the maximum number of students supervised by the professor simultaneously (04).

To be admitted in PROCIMM the candidate must:
1. Have a full University degree in engineering, computer science or Exact Sciences.
2. Be approved in the selection process by the selection Committee, indicated by the collegiate, constituted by (03) permanent professors from PROCIMM.
Professors and students participate in many scientific publications in a growing number, as authors/co-authors, as can be viewed in the specific link in this homepage
E-mail: pgmaterials@uesc.br
Phone number: +55 (73) 3680-5506 (Administration Office)

Office Hours: 8h - 11h30 and 13h30 - 15h30

Programa de Pós-graduação em Ciência, Inovação e Modelagem em Materiais
Pavilhão Max de Menezes – 1º Andar
Universidade Estadual de Santa Cruz - UESC
Rodovia Jorge Amado, KM 16, Bairro: Salobrinho
Ilhéus – Bahia – Brasil
CEP (zip code): 45662-900