Uesc -Universidade Estadual de Santa Cruz

Regional Economics and Public Policies

List of Courses

The Master's Degree in Regional Economy and Public Policies course/program lasts 24 months, equivalent to a minimum of 24 credits, 12 credits of mandatory disciplines, 4 credits of mandatory activities (Research Seminar I, II and III and qualifying exam), 9 credits, at least, from optional disciplines and 1 credit in a teaching internship period (mandatory for scholarship holders). Finally, approval of the thesis is required.

Mandatory Subjects

  • Economic Theory: Central questions of economic science: a brief foray into the History of Economic Thought. Microeconomy of Firms and Markets, production, costs and competition models. Alternative approaches for the firm's problem. Introduction to the economic growth theory, Solow model and endogenous growth.
  • Urban and Regional Economy I: Foundations of urban and regional economy. The localization Theory and the impact of the distance and the space in economic activities. City's structure and economic activities localization. Spatial analyses, and presentation of space analysis models.
  • Introduction to Public Policies: Public Policies: concepts and development. Introduction to Public Policy theory. Politics and public policy and the systemic approaches and political arenas. Public Policy types (Lowi, Wilson, Gormley, Gustafsson), dimensions and participants (stakeholders, think tanks, policymakers, policy takers, among others). Public problem definition and agenda formulation. Design of policy cycles and alternative views. Social control and accountability. Public policies and the federative agreement in Brazil.

Optional Subjects

  • Regional Development and Public Policy: Theories about development and regional development: the state as a stakeholder, the market and the civil society. Globalization and its impact on regional development and public policies: structural reforms, decentralization, competitiveness. Potentials and regional planning boundaries as a spatial cutout instrument. Factors that boost regional development: local public policies, stakeholders, interest groups and participatory democracy. Regional development financing. Policies. Evaluation and monitoring of regional development policies.
  • Political economy: Origin, nature and concept; the classical political economy; the classical political economy criticism; the Marxist political economy; work; value; price; land income; capital; wage; profit; market; private property; capital accumulation and profit tax fall; State and public policies: theory and practice; the contemporary capitalism and the capitalist crises; the Brazilian economic thought.
  • Research Methods: Notions on science and scientific methods. Theory of Knowledge. Research Methods and techniques. Research and qualitative and quantitative analyses. Scientific work modes. Research (concepts, mode, instruments). Ethics and Research. The research project. Scientific paper. ABNT standards.
  • Regional Economy II: Economic development and industry dispersion. Recent regional development and national market fragmentation. Competitiveness and Technological Innovation. Growth theory with technician progress; city's growth; labor mobility and the regional economy. Regional Economy models: The Economic Base theory; Input-Output regional models. Social Accounting Matrix. Social Accounting Matrix Development and Application at the Local Level. Support to the decision Instruments: attitudes and values evaluation of Regional Development Agents'. Q Methodology.
  • Agricultural Policy: Evolution of agricultural policy in Brazil. Analysis of agriculture development policies: credit policies, price policies. Food security policies. Discussion on the Brazilian agrarian issue. Agricultural policy in developed and developing countries.
  • Agribusiness: Production and food provision in Brazil. Socio-economic importance of Brazilian agribusiness. Brazilian agribusiness and the international market. Agribusiness, environment, and sustainable development. Brazilian agriculture and economic stabilization. Governmental policies applied to agribusiness. Commercialization in agribusiness.
  • Territoriality and Sustainable Development: Territory as a resource of socioeconomic development. Territoriality and public policies. The relation between territory and the nature of public policies: urban qualification and social inclusion policies, workforce qualification policies and policies that promote access to basic services. Territoriality and sustainable development. Inter-territorial relations.
  • Regional Planning and Budget: Planning concepts. Theories on planning. Historic evolution of Brazilian planning. Regional Development National Policies. Regional Development Plans. Shifting from the idea of region to territory. Strategic planning axes. Investments and regional development strategy. Budget cycle and regional and territorial planning: the Pluriannual Plan – PPA, the Budget Guidelines Law – LDO and the Annual Budget Law – LOA, in Brazil. Evaluation of Public Policies.
  • Geographic Information Systems: Concepts of Geographic Information Systems. Data structure in Geographic Information Systems - GIS. Data spatialization techniques. Representation of data in information plans. Application of remote sensing techniques to collect land use information and territorial occupation data. Spatial distribution and socioeconomic data handling. Techniques of cartographic representation of socio-environmental data.
  • Public Policies and Local Development: Local Development approaches. Relations between Local and Territorial Development. Identity and Local Development. Relation between local and Global. Brazilian Federalism model and decentralization process, autonomy, and local power competences. Analysis of the public sphere, local public agenda, and civil society. Local development policies evaluation criteria. Social Control modalities. Analytical categories of the local development: Local Action, Social Capital, and Networks. Collective action and Solidarity Economy. Sustainable Local development.
  • Forest and Environmental Economy: Importance of the forestry sector for the country. Forest products market. Study of costs in forestry companies. Economic evaluation of forestry projects. Basic economic concepts of natural resources and ecological economics. Environmental policy. Ecosystem services and payment for environmental services. Pro-environmental behavior and environmental conservation. Economic Valuation of the Environment.
  • Econometrics: Economic and econometric models. Classical model of general linear regression. Problems with violation of the assumptions of the General Linear Model. Simultaneous equation models. Use of binary variables (dummy) in the regression model. Univariate models of time series – based in Box & Jenkins, Multivariate Time Series Models.
  • Special Topics: Subject offered on a non-regular basis, taught by visiting professors or from the institution itself, whether condensed or not. Variable content covering important topics for the overall education of the student, not covered in the regular disciplines offered at UESC.