Master's Program in Science and Mathematics Education
Research groups
- RePARe en EdMat
The Study and Research Group on Thematic Approaches to Science Teaching (GEATEC, acronym in Portuguese) is coordinated by Prof. Dr. Simoni Tormohlen Gehlen, and counts on the participation of professors, doctoral students, undergraduate scholarship students, Basic Education teachers, and post-doctoral scholarship students. GEATEC is composed by researchers, undergraduate students of Physics, students of the Master's degree in Science and Mathematics Education (PPGECM/UESC, acronym in Portuguese) in Biology, Chemistry and Pedagogy, and Basic Education teachers from the Ilhéus/BA state system. Among the activities carried out by the group involving Basic Education, the following stand out: a) development and implementation of curricular proposals based on the Freirean thematic approach, as well as on the relations between aspects of Paulo Freire and Vygotsky; b) development of education processes for Science teachers, focused on the Freirean thematic approach, in partnership with schools and Municipal and/or State Education Departments in several cities of the Costa do Cacau region, south of Bahia. The group has also sought a theoretical-methodological deepening of Paulo Freire, Vygotsky, Fleck, and CTS assumptions.
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Created in 2020, the Group of Studies and Research in Pedagogical Practice and Teaching (GEPED, acronym in Portuguese) is coordinated by Prof. Dr. Luciana Sedano and investigates the didactic relationship between teacher education in a theoretical-practical approach to teacher professional development (DPD, acronym in Portuguese) and the implication of this approach for the construction of pedagogical practices. It starts from the understanding of the planning of pedagogical practice as a political and epistemological act. Based on the study and recognition of the process of teachers' professional development, the group also analyzes the construction of different organizational modalities of teaching, as well as their application in the classroom, always considering the role of the teacher in this construction and the principle of horizontality in the relationship between the University and Basic Education. In this sense, it also proposes to investigate the implication of teaching practice with the construction of knowledge by the student and points to teaching by research as a didactic approach to consolidate a teaching proposal focused on the student, on his ability to investigate, to build knowledge, and to break with transmissive teaching patterns, purely content-based, and focused on the final result to the detriment of the process. Within this proposal, it also aims to analyze teacher training and pedagogical practices focused on Science education, Science teaching, and the relationship between Language and Science teaching, aiming at the promotion of Scientific Literacy.
Visit GEPED's website
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The Research Group on Curriculum and Teacher Education in Science Teaching (GPeCFEC, acronym in Portuguese), coordinated by Prof. Dr. Elisa Prestes Massena and Prof. Maxwell Siqueira, counts on the participation of Prof. Dr. Viviane Borges, Prof. Dr. Andrei Steveen Moreno Rodríguez, Prof. Dr. Indman R. L. Queiroz, Master's Degree students, Basic Education teachers, undergraduate students, Scientific Initiation and Extension scholarship students. This group aims to investigate and develop activities related to curriculum discussions in initial and continuing education of teachers, and also related to the processes of science teaching and learning, with an interdisciplinary character. Among the activities carried out by the group involving Elementary, High School, and Technical and Vocational Education, we highlight: a) the study and deepening of theoretical references on which the group is based; b) the development, implementation, and evaluation of curricular proposals from the approach of themes involving the construction and implementation of integrating scenarios; c) analysis of these proposals in the initial and continuing education of teachers and d) extension courses for in-service teachers. The group also investigates higher education and processes of Latin American cooperation for the training of science teachers. In this perspective, the group's discussions are focused on the curricula of both Basic Education and Undergraduate courses, and on the practice of teachers who work at these levels of education.
Visit GPeCFEC's website
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The Research Group on Teaching and Learning Mathematics in Computational Environment (GPEMAC, acronym in Portuguese) was created in 1999 and is coordinated by Prof. Dr. Afonso Henriques and Profa. Dr. Rosane Leite Funato. The group aims to intervene in the initial and continuing training of the teacher, regarding the teaching and learning of mathematics using the new technologies. It also aims to deepen theoretical methodological knowledge from the perspective of a teaching practice that conceives the teacher as a researcher and as an agent of transformation. The group is also responsible for developing studies on educational software available and its applications in the teaching/learning process with students of the Mathematics course of the State University of Santa Cruz; stimulate and facilitate the exchange with elementary and high schools in the region of influence of the State University of Santa Cruz, regarding the integration of the computer to teaching activities; know and analyze the new technologies and the different conceptions about the teaching and learning of Mathematics using them; produce teaching materials that can assist elementary, high school and higher school students in the learning of mathematics; in addition to writing scientific papers and their members' participation in scientific events. Professor Dr. Flaviana Silva, professors of the Mathematics course of the State University of Santa Cruz, scientific initiation scholarship students, Mathematics graduates and undergraduates and former students of PPGEM.
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The Research Group on Statistical Mathematics and Science Education (GPEMEC, acronym in Portuguese) is led by Prof. Dra. Eurivalda Ribeiro dos Santos Santana and Prof. Dr. Irene Maurício Cazorla. It was created in 2006 and played a decisive role in the construction of PPGEM. In this group, the project "A study on the domain of Multiplicative Structures in Elementary Education, E-mult" was developed from 2013 to 2017 and, in 2018, the project "Professional development of teachers who teach Mathematics D-Estat" was implemented. Based on D-Estat, the researchers elaborated the project "Mathematics Teacher's professional Development and Teaching statistics at Elementary and Middle school", under the Mathematical Education Network - Northeast, submitted to the Lemann Foundation, which is currently under way. This group also has the participation of Prof. Dr. Maria Elizabete Couto, master's students, teachers of Basic Education, students of Mathematics Degree and IC fellows, who develop their research in the scope of D-Estat.
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The Research Group on Mathematical Education and Cultural Diversity (GPEMDiC, acronym in Portuguese) created in 2018 is coordinated by Prof. Dra. Jurema Lindote Botelho Peixoto and Prof. Dr. Larissa Pinca Sarro Gomes. The group aims to study and investigate issues related to the teaching and learning of Mathematics, as well as the foundations and the processes of constitution of teaching knowledge in the initial and continuing training of Mathematics teachers. It is based on the research, discussion, reflection and application of research methodologies from the field of Mathematics Education that promote an educational culture of appreciation to the diversity of students in various educational contexts. Also participating in this group are Prof. Dr. Zulma Elizabete de Freitas Madruga, Master's students, Mathematics undergraduates and PPGEM former students.
Visit GPEMDiC's website
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The Scientific Literacy Research Group (GRUPAC)
Visit GRUPAC's website
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The Group Reflection, Planning, Action Reflection in Mathematics Education (RePARe in EdMat) is coordinated by Professors: Dr. Sandra Magina and Prof. Dr. Vera LúciaMerlini. The group was created in 2007, when the professors who led it were still professors at PUC-SP. In addition to PPGECM professors, researchers from eight different institutions also participate in this group, such as UFPE, UNINOVE, UERJ, UPE, UFRB, UEFS, UFABC, UESB, UFU, located in five different states: Bahia, Pernambuco, Rio de Janeiro, Minas Gerais and São Paulo. RePARe has received Master's students from the Program, as well as doctoral students from other institutions and post-doctoral fellows under Capes' PNPD Program. In this group the project "Multiplicative Structures and the Training of Teachers Who Teach Mathematics" was developed and, since 2018, the Project "Early Algebra in Elementary School: mapping and diagnosis" has been implemented.
Visit RePARe's website
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The Research Group on Current Issues in Science Teaching (TAEC, acronym in Portuguese) coordinated by Prof. Dr. Christiana Andrea Vianna Prudêncio, has the participation of the faculty member Prof. Dr. Luciana Sedano, and master's students from the Program. The goal of TAEC is to conduct research in the areas of scientific literacy, CTS education, teacher education, and, science education and ethnic-racial relations.
Visit TAEC's website
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The Research Group on Digital Technologies that Boost Teaching and Research in Mathematical Education (GPTDEM - Beginning on 08/05/2021, acronym in Portuguese) is coordinated by the professors Flaviana dos Santos Silva and Marlúbia Corrêa de Paula. The members of this group are Master's students participating in the Graduate Program in Science and Mathematics Education (PPGECM); undergraduate students in Mathematics/IC at the State University of Santa Cruz (UESC) / (CNPq, ICB, FAPESB); Basic Education teachers in the municipality of Ilhéus and invited researchers. In this sense, we count on the participation of Professor Dr. Claudia Ribeiro Santana - UESC; Dr. Gabriela Delord - University of Sevilla - Spain; Professor Dra. OcsanaDanyluk - University of Passo Fundo (UPF, acronym in Portuguese) - RS and Professor Dr. Marcelo Prado Amaral-Rosa - Pontifical Catholic University of RS (PUCRS, acronym in Portuguese). For this, the group's study themes are: (i) Concepts and definitions on Digital Information and Communication Technologies (TDIC, acronym in Portuguese); (ii) Applications of TDIC in Science and Mathematics Education, in the last decade, with interest on the use of Active Methodologies (MA, acronym in Portuguese). From this, the GPTDEM is in the analysis phase of the scientific publications that describe the use of MA, with the objective of identifying what the theoretical assumptions involved in these actions are. After taking this information, the group will offer teacher training, in the online mode, to meet the demands of education in the municipality of Ilhéus and its surroundings.
Visit here the GPTDEM website: UNDER CONSTRUCTION.
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