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Uesc -Universidade Estadual de Santa Cruz

Professional Graduate Program in Education

Program Evaluation

In Brazil, Graduate Programs are accredited and evaluated every four years by the Coordination of Improvement of Higher Education Personnel (CAPES), which assigns a score from 3 to 7 to each academic course/program depending on its performance. The lowest score refers to a course/program with satisfactory assessment and with authorization to operate only at master's level. A grade 7 refers to a program whose level is comparable to the best courses in the area abroad. In the case of Professional Masters and Doctorates, the grade is assigned between 3 and 5, with commitment and quality being evaluated as good, satisfactory, very good and excellent. Periodically committees meet and elaborate guidance, establishing the main indicators of each area of knowledge to be used as a basis for the evaluation criteria of the programs.

In the last evaluation events, the Graduate Professional Master's and Doctorate Program in Education reached the score 4, evaluated as very good!


