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Uesc -Universidade Estadual de Santa Cruz

Professional Graduate Program in Education

List of Courses

Mandatory Subjects (for Research Lines 1 and 2)

  • Research Practices I: Applied research concept. Research process applied to the educational context. Studies related to theoretical-methodological aspects of research in education: main types of research – ethnographic studies, case study, research, participant research, interventional research. Theoretician-methodological procedures: theoretical foundation and instrumentalization on data collection and analysis techniques. Applied research, intervention, and Ethics.
  • Public Policies in Education: Education, State and Society. Democratization principles and the public education administration. The constitutional, legal and institutional education order. Right to Education and public policies; conceptions and current programs. Education systems organization and management: principles, strategies, and conditions. The Education Financing. Education quality.
  • Curriculum and Teaching Practices: Curriculum as political and social construction. Curriculum as a complex social system. Curriculum as a knowledge field. Curriculum and power relations. Curriculum and the studies of political pedagogical project. The basic education curricular policies and the materialization in the teaching practices. Curriculum management and the political pedagogical project studies.

Mandatory Subjects (for Research Line 1)

  • Pedagogical Organization Practices and Teaching: Emphasis on the structuring elements of teaching: theory, training, and practice. Planning of pedagogical practice as a political – epistemological act. Organizational modalities of teaching. Teaching practices and the construction of knowledge.
  • Principles and Investigative Practices in Literacy: Literacy, lettering, and written culture. The acquisition of the written language process. Investigative practices in literacy. The methods in literacy. Didactic materials analysis and production for literacy.

Mandatory Subjects (for Research Line 2)

  • Organization and School Management: School management: fundamentals and conceptions. The administrative and pedagogical functions that involve the educational management: planning, financing, pedagogical project and school organization. Work conditions and the education and teaching quality. The school as an organizational culture. Relations between teaching and management.
  • Educational Public Policies and Cultural Diversity: Legal basis, political trajectory and theoretical and methodological debate premises on cultural diversity in the education field. Affirmative action policies to act against inequalities. School success and ethnic and gender differences strengthening. Laws implementation (10.639/2003 and 11.645/2008).

Optative subjects (for Research Line 1)

  • Scientific Literacy in Classroom: Concepts and Practices: Concept, proposals, and current research on Scientific literacy: goals and implications in the classroom. Science teaching and the investigation as a way to promote scientific literacy allied to the orality, reading and writing processes in the native language. The development of scientific abilities in Basic Education. Work Proposals and research for science teaching.
  • Literacy in Mathematical Education: Relative studies to the mathematical knowledge for literacy and its implications in classroom; didactics related to the teaching of mathematics for initial and continuing education of the literacy teacher; the learning processes in the concept construction: number; space and form, information treatment, magnitude and measures.
  • Reading Practices in the School: Reading process specificity. Modalities and reading types. Reading process contents and strategies. Reading comprehension. Activities elaboration for the teaching of reading. Assessment in reading.
  • Writing Practices at School: Grammatical, semantic and discursive aspects in written text. Text/discursive genres. Working with writing texts: product perspective x process perspective. Writing Texts: ordering to write x teaching to write. Written literacy in Portuguese didactic books. Assessment in writing.
  • Teaching Professional Development Cycles: Being a teacher and developing itself as a professional. The teacher training from the professional development perspective in terms of the historical, cognitive, ethical and affective dimensions. The professional development and the investigating and reflective teacher. The experience and teachers know-making. The school and the professional development - teaching and management. The teacher professional development cycle.

Optative subjects (for Research Line 2)

  • Public Spaces Management and the Relation with the Community: School architecture and the education quality. Construction and renovation of School Buildings/Infrastructure standards for the physical space intended for early childhood and elementary education. The community participation in the school advice border. Bonds and decisions of the guardianship council and the school direction.
  • Educational Systems Evaluation: Organization, management and evaluation of educational systems. The Brazilian education quality standards definition. Evaluations on a large scale: theoretical aspects and educational policies debates; school management theoretical aspects as space of autonomy and contextualized intervention, quarrel with and between the faculty, students' involvement, directive teams, parents, and school advice boards.
  • Education and Technologies: The study of the media's evolution and the perspectives for education. Public policies for technology insertion in public schools. Cyberculture. Learning Virtual environments. Teacher training for technology's use.
  • The Education and the School Financing: Historical-conceptual and political aspects of financing basic education in Brazil. The financing of Brazilian education in the legislation: Constitutional binding, fund policy. The financial decentralization policies for the school. Public budget, accounts rendering process and social control of public expenses in the basic education. The basic education and its quality, minimum standards, and the cost-student quality (CAQ/CSQ) and the initial cost student-quality (CAQ/CSQ).

Subjects that can be offered by both two lines

  • Special Topics in Education: Relevant theme discussion for a specific formation in education referring to one of the two research lines proposed by students or teachers that aims to deepen the knowledge in educational questions.
  • Subjects intended for Supervisors/ Research Practices II: Development of the research project and elaboration of the report with research and intervention proposals aimed at the final course conclusion work.
  • Research Practices III: Applied research and design of the resulting product. Development of the research report for the qualification exam.
  • Research Practices IV: Applied research and design of the resulting product. Final thesis development for the defense exam.
  • Qualification Exam: he Qualification exam will consist in the assessment of the research report in progress, made by the applied research and the design of the resulting product.
  • The Final Thesis Defense Exam: The Defense Exam will consist in the presentation and assessment of the Final Thesis, made by the applied research and the resulting product.
  • Internal Research Seminar I and II: Presentation and collective appreciation of research carried out in educational spaces. Studies related to theoretical-methodological aspects of the research in education and directed to research questions. Discussion of the execution stages of the research projects and the resulting products.


