
The State University of Santa Cruz - UESC has its origins in the independent private colleges created in the sixties. In 1972, these independent schools were unified, forming the Federação das Escolas Superiores de Ilhéus e Itabuna – FESP and since this moment efforts were taken to turn it into a public institution.

On December 05, 1991, the State Governor modified the status of FESP from private to public. In 1995, UESC had its administrative board approved and became an independent self-governing state institution. Since its foundation, UESC has become a relevant regional leader offering a unique educational experience to the community and strongly helping regional economic development.

Campus Soane Nazaré de Andrade, Rodovia Jorge Amado, km 16, Bairro Salobrinho
CEP 45662-900. Ilhéus-Bahia
Núcleo Web