Uesc -Universidade Estadual de Santa Cruz

Communications Assistance Office (Ascom)

About Ascom

The Communications Assistance Office (Ascom) is responsible for the elaboration, edition, and dissemination of news and relevant information about the university's activities and services in collaboration with the academic community and the external public, intending to register and publicize the main actions of the institutional management in the areas of teaching, researching, and extension. The department produces journalistic, photographic, and video graphic material and also promotes diffusion through the Uesc Notícias page that integrates the web portal, the Jornal Uesc (Uesc newsletter), and official profiles/channels on social media.

Among its functions is planning actions and activities integrated with other segments of the academic community that aim to consolidate the university's image before its priority audiences. Ascom also manages the university's internal communications.

Promotes information exchange through interactive collaborations with press professionals and their respective media outlets to increasingly reach a greater number of citizens. This dialogue involves relations with press vehicles and opinion leaders to supply them with information related to the institution, responding to their requests for information and/or clarifications, in addition to organizing and updating the mailing list.

In recent years, Ascom has started to develop actions and projects shared with the Núcleo Web to enhance institutional communication, such as the development of the Uesc 30 anos website and related products.

Specific Legislations

Federal Constitution

Federal Law 12.527/2011 that guarantees access to public information às informações públicas

Federal Law 13.709/2018, personal data protection law

State Law 12.618/2012, regulates access to information in the State of Bahia

State Decree 9.377/2005, regulates the management of websites of the State Government

Normative Instruction Nº 03/2005, provides guidance on the management of websites of the State Government

Consu Resolution nº 09/2014, creates the Citizen Information System

Normative Instruction nº 02/2023, provides procedures for mass messaging.


Brands and Manuals for the Use of UESC's Emblem

VISUAL IDENTITY GUIDE - Guidelines for the use of the Institutional Emblem

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